MD2 Pineapples

MD2 Cultivar Pineapples

In the year of 2004, Aqina group invested in large-scale production of the superior MD2 Cultivar type pineapple. Our decision was precipitated by a drop in global pineapple production due to higher margins from other crops.

We have a total of 500 acres of direct/sub-contracted pineapple plantations under our care and aim to grow to be the largest exporter of pineapples in Malaysia.

The MD 2 Cultivar pineapples are exceptionally sweet and possess uniformity, and consistency in size and ripeness. Originally developed in Hawaii, MD2 pineapples are known by its trade names as “ Golden Ripe”, “Super Sweet”, “Rompine” or “Gold”.

MD2 Cultivar Pineapples are superior to other varieties with the following qualities:

  • Sweeter Taste
  • Uniform Gold color
  • Four times Vitamin C content
  • Lower Fibre
  • Lower Acidity
  • Thinner Skin
  • Smaller Fruits (1.5kg )
  • Longer Shelf Life

Aqina is committed to expanding our MD2 pineapple plantations and is working to be a key player in the international pineapple trade in the years to come.